I wish I had some kind of "ah ha" moment to explain why I decided to start this blog, so I can jump into the blogging world and make a splash. But, alas, I got nothing.
I decided to start this blog as a way for me to practice my writing. It never hurts to write more - even if nobody is reading it. As a second semester graduate student, I have a lot going on, from studying to work to making sure my dog doesn't destroy my apartment. You may be thinking, "Maddie, why are you doing this? Don't you have enough on your plate?" My answer for you, friends, is "I have no idea." I have a lot on my mind, and I'm sure that my friends are tired of my nerdy rants about scientific discoveries and frustrations about certain issues. I am thinking that this will be a platform where I can share the aspects of science that both fascinate and confuse me. I am hopeful that anyone who decides to read my blog will be able to broaden their horizons and increase their literacy of science because it may just save your life one day.
I have spent a lot of time creeping around other science blogs, and I think I've come to a point where I think I have something to add to the conversation. Now I want to join the club. I'd like to say that this blog will enlighten the world about science and bring some kind of understanding about this world that often befuddles us. Some of the things you'll read here will be spotlights on scientists, current classwork that I have deemed decent enough to share, and explanations about scientific research and phenomena.
I'm hoping that by blogging about science, somewhere along the way I will find my niche in this surprising world of Science Journalism. Well, here goes nothing.